Implementation of Jogja Smart City: Virtual City Hall in Realizing Agile and Digital Governance


  • Reyga Pramudita Department of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Syafiqurrohman Center for Policy and Smart City, Indonesia


Jogja Smart Service, Agile, Digital


This study aims to determine the implementation process of Jogja Smart Service (JSS) as a virtual city hall in realizing Agile Governance and Digital Governance in Yogyakarta City. Therefore, this research will describe the performance of JSS so far based on the six basic principles of Agile Governance and the six dimensions of Digital Governance. This will be useful for developing similar e-services, adding relevant knowledge related to the theory used, and as an alternative or reference for JSS in maximizing its potential. Based on its original purpose, JSS is the government's response to the development of the times as well as one of the Yogyakarta government's ways of realizing Smart City. However, before becoming  a Smart  City, an agile and digital government is needed in order to utilize technology to its full potential. This is directly related to how JSS as a government tool can contribute to Yogyakarta in providing agile and digital services. Thus, it would be interesting to know how JSS performs from the perspective of Agile and Digital Governance before JSS can realize its initial goal of Smart City. This research uses a qualitative analysis method with a case study approach, the research stages of data collection, reduction, and  analysis  to  then  draw  conclusions.  The  results  of  this  study  will  show  JSS's performance in realizing Agile and Governance and in the implementation process there are still many challenges.


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How to Cite

Pramudita, R., & Syafiqurrohman , A. . (2024). Implementation of Jogja Smart City: Virtual City Hall in Realizing Agile and Digital Governance . Agile Governance and Innovation Measurement Journal, 1(2), 59–70. Retrieved from

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